Thursday, June 17, 2010

Teacher, how much is your weight?

In order to use up more class time during my first week without lesson plans, I've started each class period asking the students if they have any questions for me. Mistake? Probably. Here are some of the questions I've had to answer over the past two days, with some of the answers I've given...

*You married? No. (Always the first question)

*Do have car? Nope. (No license either but they don't need to know that)

*Do have boyfriend? Yes (Otherwise they go around saying I'm with Dave, my dad's 52 year old best friend - awkward).

*Have kissed boyfriend? Ew.

*Boyfriend has car? Yep.

*Boyfriend has sports car? Yep (to which they all respond with a collective "ooooooooo").

*Do have brother? Yes.

*Is brother handsome? Yes, again.

*Can we see picture? No (I showed one class and the girls agreed but the boy said he was disappointed!).

*Teacher, how much your kilograms? I don't know kilograms.

*Then how much your American weight? 115 pounds (and then they all pulled out their calculators and converted it to kilograms).

*Dave is your boyfriend? Noooo.

*Dave is your uncle? Yes...? (Sometimes yes, depending on if I'm in the mood to explain the real connection or not)

*Where you live? Ju-yak dong

*What apartments you live in? Hyundai.

*What is your floor and number? No way.

*What does your favorite man look like?
Explanation for the last one: I didn't understand the question so one girl said "Example- my favorite man would have big eyes and gold hair." They were asking what my ideal man would be.

Did I mention I'm required to teach in slippers? Oh, and I had a kindergarten boy today dressed in a tight leopard print tank top and tight, bright blue highwaters, pulled down just low enough to show off some neon green underwear. I will now be taking my camera to classes with me.

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