Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"I will cheer you up."

I had to meet my boss today and drive downtown to turn in paperwork for my immigration card. Our conversation covered topics like, trust ("we need to have a trust between us, in America they don't have"), kindergarten, life here, motorcycles (he keeps warning me not to go on motorcycle rides), teachers that died here (probably told to scare me from going on motorcycle rides), and my favorite - depression. That part of the conversation went like this:

Boss: Dana, if you ever feel depressed, like bottom line, I will cheer you up.

Me: (laughing) Ok, thank you.

Boss: Serious, when you get really, really depressed and it's the bottom line, send me text and i will take you to a place that is very, very great.

Me: (still laughing and wondering where this place is) Well, hopefully I won't get depressed anytime soon!

Boss: (trying to show me the seriousness of the situation) I know great place to cheer you up. We have a trust so when you get to the bottom line, I will take you. Ok?

Me: Ok, thank you!

This conversation came up out of the blue, and he made no mention of where or what this place is. I'm tempted to fake depression just to find out.

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