Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I knew I would love Korea when...

Since arriving in Korea 5 days ago, I have already seen and experienced so many bizarre things (bizarre to me, at least). I'll start with the moments in the past few days that let me know without a doubt that I'm in the right place.

I knew I would love Korea when...

...the first thing my new boss said to me when I got off the plane was, "You looked healthy in your picture." When I asked what he meant by that, he responded with, "No offense, but in your picture you looked fatter."

...the second thing my new boss said to me was, "Do you like to sing?" And when I answered with a shrug and a "yeah, sure," he responded with: "Good! You can be the lead singer for our worship team at church!"

...my new boss asked me (very seriously) to please not die or get very sick right away because my insurance wouldn't be ready for a few days.

...I showered for the first time in a shower with no curtain or barrier between it and the rest of the bathroom, soaking the entire room.

...my boss told me I must go with his wife to the bathhouse, where Korean women strip and walk around together naked in a large room with heated pools, shower stations, and saunas.

...I was convinced to eat a raw silkworm, not knowing that they are meant to be steamed/cooked and mixed with other things.

...my new co-workers told me (repeatedly) that my first 6 weeks would be hell and that I was being "thrown to the lions" by being given kindergarten with no lesson plans on top of the normal grades, but not to panic.

...I went in for a health check that consisted of stripping and putting on old parachute pants and a bathrobe for a chest xray, attaching little suction cups all over my chest for a "heart test," peeing into a cup that read "tasters choice" on the front of it, and having my arm grabbed and stuck with a needle for a blood test with no warning. All the while not having any idea what to do and being pushed and prodded until I complied with whatever it was they needed from me.

....my boss told me he could not help me with my heavy groceries because people would "make gossip," and as soon as he decided to "screw it" and help me, the ladies selling vegetables on the street began talking about how I must be his wife, to which he responded with some angry Korean comment and gave my groceries back to me.
These are silkworms, which are supposed to be steamed or fried and mixed with spices and other food.

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