Monday, October 4, 2010

Co-worker update

This one will be short, breath easy. Just thought I'd update on the co-worker situation since I mentioned it at the end of my last post.

Co-worker Arthur, the 30-something year old who has a reputation for being sexist and racist, didn't show up to work at all today and didn't answer any calls. My boss asked me to go home when I got off of work and check on him, since he is my neighbor. I went with our Korean co-teacher, Jess (30 year old woman who lives with her parents, as most Korean women do until marriage). We got to his door and were both imagining the different scenarios of what might happen next (was he dead? abducted?). No one answered when I knocked, and there was no need for a key as it was already unlocked. I opened the door (very slowly) and Jess gasped, covering her mouth. It was all very funny but scary, not knowing what we'd see. We both slowly peeked in and took a couple steps before finding the light and discovering an empty room. Turns out he packed up and left without telling anyone! Sounds like there will be trouble for him if he tries to stay in Korea or ever tries to come back. He will probably be "blacklisted." End of story.

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